Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce

The Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce and Associated Industries of Arkansas are private, non-profit corporations that are totally funded by dues from our members. Each organization has its own officers and its own directors, but both share headquarters and professional staff in Little Rock. 

The State Chamber/AIA accomplishes this mission through

  1. Our governmental affairs program, through which we actively communicate and work with government officials to protect, preserve and enhance legislation that protects the business community.
  2. Networking and cooperating with state and local leaders and government officials, local chambers of commerce, trade associations, local industrial and economic development organizations, and, of course, our own members.

The State Chamber/AIA offers our members – businesses both large and small – an effective means to improve the business climate in Arkansas. We are a network of companies working together for a lower cost of doing business, fairer taxes, fairer regulations and less regulatory paperwork. Because of this, Arkansas businesses can be sure that our elected officials are listening to what they need to survive and thrive.

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